Tatsuta Tais ha Shrine Man’yo Poem Monument Information Plaque
Modern Translation
It was only yesterday that I crossed over on this road through the hills by the river from these island mountains. A single night later, I see the petals of the peak’s cherry blossoms scattered across the rapids and flowing away. Until he sees those blossoms, I beg you, mountain wind, to leave those petals be, and I will give my thanks to the God of the Wind at renowned Tatsuta Taisha Shrine.
History of the Poem
This poem is thought to describe crossing a mountain pass while traveling along the Tatsuta Road from Naniwa Palace on the way back to Heijo Palace. The poem expresses the poet’s desire for his lord, Fujiwara no Umakai, to see the cherry blossoms that were in full beautiful bloom. The poem also depicts affection for the proudly blooming cherry blossoms along the Tatsuta Road by imploring the wind gods of Tatsuta Taisha Shrine to cease the breezes coming off the mountain that had been scattering the cherry blossom petals through performing a “wind ceremony” for the wind gods at Tatsuta Taisha Shrine. Engishiki, a set of government regulations compiled in the Nara period, contains a passage about the Tatsuta Fujinsai (Tatsuta Wind God Festival) that was held at Tatsuta Taisha Shrine, and even now, Tatsuta Taisha Shrine holds the Fuchisai (Festival to Appease the Wind Gods) on the 1st Sunday in July every year.
시마야마(島山)를둘러싸고있는오카베(岡辺)의 길을, 바로어제넘어왔으나, 단하룻밤을 지낸 것 뿐인데, 봉우리의벚꽃은 격류의 여울을흩어져흘러가고 있구나. 나의주군께서 보시는 그날까지는, 산바람이여불지마라고,고개를넘어가, 바람신으로서 유명한 다츠타의 신사(龍田의 신사)에서 바람의 제사를 지내야지.
이노래의서문에 “봄삼월, 여러경대부(卿大夫)와함께나니와(難波)에 갈때의노래”라고기록되어있어,다카하시무시마로(高橋虫麻呂)의 주군인 후지와라노우마카이(藤原宇合)가 나니와궁(難波宮)을 짓는 임무를 다하였고, 그 공이 이루어진 732년(天平四年) 3월에 나니와(難波)에 갔을 때 지은 작품이라고 추측할 수 있습니다.다츠타히코(龍田彦)와 다츠타히메(龍田姫)는 본래 “다츠타(龍田)” 지역의 바람신이라불리웠고,지금은 다츠타대사(龍田大社)에 제신으로 모셔지고 있습니다.